Feb 21, 2021
When a mom and pop blogging duo manages to get under the skin of eBay's executive team. eBay's security team does the totally cool, super professional, and perfectly normal thing - launching a harassment and cyberstalking campaign to shut down them down. Join us as we learn corporate cybersecurity from the pros, who are...
Feb 15, 2021
Genetically modified, shape-shifting reptilians called Archons form an entity known as the Babylonian Brotherhood or the Illuminati that manipulate global events to keep the human race in constant fear. This is David Icke's wet dream. Now throw in some 5G conspiracy theories, flat earthers, and sidekicks like...
Feb 8, 2021
Our man Snorri Sturluson lived in Iceland, at a time shortly after Vikings were known to first land in the Americas, and boy did he help cause some ruckus. The head elected government official for many years, and a known lover of hot baths and many women, Snorri was a poet, historian, chieftain of lands, a man who knew...
Feb 2, 2021
So when you Google Christian Weston Chandler, the results say that he's a musical artist. In reality he is a misunderstood homophobe and creator of the greatest cartoon rip off in history: Sonichu. When Chandler isn't writing himself into a poorly rendered comic, you can find him at the local Target on the hunt for a...